Friday, January 28, 2011

Thanksgiving in Hawaii

We spent a week on Maui for Thanksgiving this year with the
whole Hampel family. Kyle loved the beach and the pool. Could
have spent the whole time tearing down sand castles.

Kyle loved the leis and the hula girls. Had to hold him back
jumping up to dance with them a few times.

Gorgeous place to frolic in the waves.

Boys got their golf on.

Grandma Ferne & Kyle trading hats on the volcano.

Say Ahhhh.

We really got to experience the whole "Rainbow State" thing.

Karen overcomes her fear of going downhill quickly for a little
zipline adventure.

Thanksgiving at the Grand Wailea. There were actually people
lining up to take pictures at the end of this pool. We thought
the side angle was pretty darn gorgeous, too.

Way too much fun in the lazy river.

Kyle ready to surf.