Monday, June 15, 2009

More Pics

Just some recent photos to keep people entertained!

He's very into playing in his crib these days.
We can easily spend 10 minutes hanging out
after nap time giggling like mad.

We're trying to get out on the bikes more. As you can see,
Kyle was very excited about his new helmet. It did not last long as it kept falling in his face.

Kyle is obsessed with water in any form.

I'm a model, you know what I mean.

Kyle & Rowan, going nowhere, but loving the ride.

Daddy dressed me. 'nuff said.

Kyle's First Camping Trip

Our first camping trip with Kyle was canceled after about 20 hours due to rain, but Kyle loved the great outdoors regardless!

Family Hike

Kyle & Barrett, trying to stay clean & dry!

Stylish camper elf.

Mom likes oatmeal, too